Mid-Wavelength Infrared Lasers

What are MWIR Lasers?

MWIR,  Mid-Wavelength Infrared, laser sources include the wavelengths from 3 μm –8 μm and Quantum Cascade Laser Diodes are the most common lasers in this wavelength spectrum.  These lasers are available with multi-mode beam profiles, and typically have a free-space output.  MWIR lasers are ideal for many applications in the Defense market and are widely used in counter measure applications.  Mid-Wavelength Infrared lasers emit in the main transmission bands of the atmosphere, 4.0µm, 4.6µm, and 4.8µm.  Our QCLs are available in the HHL Package, OEM package including the driver, and a turn-key solution.

Filters Reset


Wavelength Selection

Power Selection

Energy Selection

Pulse Width Selection

Rep Rate Selection





Wedge Series

Wedge-XF-1064: 1064nm Picosecond Laser

The Wedge series of DPSS Lasers have been designed for OEM applications like micro machining of hard and soft materials, specialty marking, glass and crystals engraving, LIDAR, LIBS, Spectroscopy and medical diagnostics. High peak powers, with relatively low energy and heat generation, allows efficient ablation and non-linear interaction with most materials. The compact and lightweight package represents a great benefit in LIDAR and other aerospace applications, while short pulses give extremely precise time-of-flight measurements.
Second Harmonic (532 nm output) and wavelength conversion option widen the product application range.

PowerMir Series

mirSense Product Family

The PowerMir series is a high-power pulsed Quantum Cascade Laser based on proprietary technology which incorporates high-powered diodes (typically watt-level) emitting in the main transmission bands of the atmosphere (4.0µm, 4.6µm, 4.8µm, 9.x µm). The ITAR free MirSense technology exhibits outstanding performance in terms of power and wall-plug efficiency. This high-performance QCL laser assembly takes full advantage of MirSense’s state of the art technologies.

Q-TUNE Series


The Q-TUNE series is a high energy, compact, tunable wavelength laser consisting of an Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) capable of producing a tunable wavelength range of 410-2300 nm with a linewidth narrower than 6 cm-1. Optional second harmonic generator extends the tuning range to 210-410 nm.
The combination of a pulse duration shorter than 5ns and an upper repetition rate of 100Hz, makes the Q-TUNE a perfect coherent light source for temporally resolved spectroscopy, metrology, photo-acoustic imaging and remote sensing applications.

Q-TUNE-IR Series

Q-TUNE-IR The Q-TUNE-IR uses an Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) to produce tunable wavelength in 1380 – 4500 nm range with a linewidth less than 10 cm-1, achieving > 6.5mJ of pulse energy @ 3500nm for the F-10 configuration (> 2mJ @ 3500nm for C-10) with a 10Hz repetition rate. A broadband version with linewidth up to 200 cm-1 is also available by request.  The Q-TUNE-IR requires little maintenance, with all laser electronics integrated into the housing, including an air-cooling system, eliminating the need for chillers, or large power supplies, all while providing a guaranteed pump diode lifetime greater than 2 giga-shots.